Online Counseling in Long Beach, CA

Specializing in Anxiety, Postpartum, and Couples Treatment

Online Counseling in Long Beach, CA

You are exhausted, unmotivated, and too anxious to sleep. Your heart is broken, you feel hyperaware, fearful, and your mind will not be quiet. Your relationship may be on the brink of destruction or maybe you are scared you will never be healthy enough for a secure and stable relationship. Right now you are surviving, but need to move to a place of healing and peace. A place where you can thrive despite the challenges life has thrown your way. You know there has to be more but where is it and what is it?

My name is Anna, and I Can Help

Anna McDonald Counselor in Long Beach Specializing in Anxiety, Postpartum, and Couples therapy

Hi, I am Anna McDonald. I am a licensed clinical social worker specializing in assisting individuals and couples to work through life's conflicts. I do so through a multi-faceted approach, focusing first on the unique strengths of my clients and then collaborating with them to be empowered and move through these challenges. Therapy with me is more than just, “How does that make you feel?” and nodding my head. Instead, I am an individual working to empower my clients with research-based knowledge to improve their life conditions.

Contact me for a free consultation

Right now you are surviving, let's work together to start thriving! If you are ready to start your healing transformative journey call for a FREE 15-minute consultation at 562-353-7136 or schedule online here to see how a plan and the right therapist can make a difference in how you can embrace life. My specialties include anxiety, trauma, pregnancy/prenatal/postpartum therapy, and couples therapy. My specialties include anxiety and panic attacks, pregnancy/prenatal/postpartum, and couples counseling.


Click on the counseling specialty below to learn in detail how I help!


Online Therapy

Our office is conveniently located wherever you are! No need to drive through traffic, just hop onto your phone or laptop with online therapy in California.


Contact me today, I’d love to help